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Google Analytics Custom Dashboards

A visual display of important metrics and information, dashboard presents multiple details in a consolidated and arranged manner. One of the best software for analytics, Google Analytics allows website owners to improve the content, conversions and user experience of their website.  When you log into your Google Analytics account, you directly come across the Audience Overview report. But, if you want to make the most of the analytics information, you should opt for custom dashboards in your Google Analytics account. Little customization allows to tailor the dashboard view as per your nee...
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Keyword Targeting – Commonly Made Mistakes

‘Keywords’ is an inseparable part of SEO. Keywords hold the potential of making an advertising campaign successful or unsuccessful. Hence, it is very important that keyword selection and targeting is done carefully. Though the importance of keyword selection is well known to marketers, they still fail to make the best use out of it. With online marketing getting competitive day by day, it has become important that marketers correct the mistakes they are making with keyword targeting. Here are the commonly made keyword targeting mistakes that you should avoid –   >>...
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Content Marketing – Different Forms of Content You Should Try

One of the major objectives of digital marketing is connecting with audience and expanding reach of marketing campaigns. But, does content only indicate text? Well, of course not, it is an umbrella term as there are different forms and types of content. For any successful content marketing campaign, you need to strike balance between different forms of content. Also, you need to create and update content regularly and be creative in your approach. Create the same form and tone of content over and over again won’t stimulate prospects of success and make the entire campaign boring.   To make sur...
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Google AdWords – 5 Commonly Made Mistakes You should Avoid

With the rising demand for online marketing, paid advertising has also gained significant momentum in past years. Google AdWords is one of the most popular and powerful platforms for paid advertising, and is being used by small, medium and big businesses alike. Google AdWords is deemed to be one of the most profitable advertising methods, and is a great tool for getting qualified traffic to the website. But, it needs to be planned strategically else it can be turn out to be very expensive for the business.   Whether you are new to Google AdWords or have been using it for sometime, here are the...
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5 SEO Trends – 2014

One of the most fascinating features of Search Engine Optimisation is it’s the speed at which it changes. SEO is continuously evolving, and this evolving nature has kept SEO analysts and specialists on their toes. Over the past few years, there have been significant changes in SEO, and SEO strategies, trends, methods and roles have changed accordingly. For a strong underlying presence in the digital world, businesses need to focus on their SEO efforts. But to ensure that their SEO efforts are in the right direction, they need to stay updated with the latest SEO trends. A successful SEO s...
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Sitemap and Robots.txt

While optimizing a website for search engines, prime focus is on developing ‘search engine friendly’ content. But, what does the term search engine friendly mean? It means that crawlers should be able to scan and index your website easily and organize it in relevance to keywords. But, how does a spider understand whether a webpage should be crawled or not? Sitemap and Robots.txt give directives for search engines and hence, they can be effectively used for SEO. What is Robots.txt? Robots.txt is a plain text file that is uploaded to the root directory of a website. Bots or spiders first look fo...
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Google Analytics – Tips for Small Businesses

For every business, acquiring and retaining customers is of utmost importance. With marketing techniques going digital, competition in the market has become intense. Businesses can take advantage of digital analytic tools and platforms to get better understanding of their audience. Small businesses can use powerful digital tools like Google Analytics as their software for web metrics and utilize its information to create rewarding marketing campaigns. Though Google Analytics is one of the leading tools to measure performance of a website, small businesses are apprehensive for using it.   Googl...
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Developing Marketing Strategy – Tips

Did you get an amazing product idea and are planning to turn it into a business? Or have you set up a well equipped area for your office? Well, no matter how good your product idea or infrastructure is, your business needs a concrete marketing plan to succeed. Developing a marketing strategy is vital for every business, but it is not as complex as it sounds. Time required to develop a marketing strategy will depend on the size of your business, scope in the market and nature of the product.   It is important that your marketing strategy is research based and practical. It should act as a guide...
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Keyword Research

Keywords! One of the most heard and most sought after terms in Search Engine Optimization. While choosing right keywords can make your campaign successful, wrong choice of keywords can completely ruin marketing campaigns. Wrong set of keywords or untargeted keywords can bring unqualified traffic to the website. Keywords are phrases or words that a user types in a Search Engine to find information he is seeking. Not just for search term, keywords also play an important role in indexing, cataloguing and ranking of websites by bots. So, keywords are an integral part of SEO campaigns and need to b...
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Cloud Computing – How it Can Help Small Businesses

Cloud computing! It has created a buzz in the technology world. Though concept of cloud computing dates back to 1950s, its applications have grown significantly in past few years. Basically, cloud computing refers to sharing of information, resources and software over a network, and it lets users access applications and files over the Internet. Cloud computing services are provided by IT consultant Melbourne , so that businesses can make use of cloud computing without having a technical team in their company. Cloud computing for small businesses Melbourne has several benefits, and hence more a...
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Safety Checklist for Pool Fencing

Swimming pool adds value to the property but it comes with its own share of risks and responsibilities. If the swimming pool is located in an open area or is unenclosed, it poses a significant risk for small children and pets. Hence, in most councils there are strict regulations regarding pool fences to reduce accidental drowning deaths due to swimming pools. Though swimming pool fence is necessary, it need not be boring and ruin the appeal of your pool area. With options like frameless glass pool fencing , pool fences can be utilized to complement the appeal of the pool area. Simply, putting ...
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Google “Pigeon” Update -Targeting Local Searches

SEO environment is continuously evolving, and SEO methods and techniques need to change along with it. With the fast pace at which changes take place, it is sometimes very difficult to keep up with the latest practices search engines adopted by search engines. Recently, Google rolled out a new algorithm to provide more accurate and helpful local search results. As this update has not been given any name by Google, it is referred to as the “Pigeon” update in SEO community. This update has made a significant influence on ranking of local search results. The update has been applied to Google web ...
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What to include on your homepage

As the big search engines have become smarter and web users increasingly savvy, you need to ensure your website’s homepage is engaging and easy to navigate.   Once, company homepages were crammed with as much info and as many keywords as possible, which would give your site a high-ranking.  Nowadays, however, there’s no quicker way of turning away potential customers than by bombarding them with dense text.   Think of your company webpage as an inviting introduction to the best-of what your company has to offer.  Don’t worry about getting all your keywords onto one page.  Instead, concentrate ...
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Making the most of your mobile-friendly website

If you’ve been holding off on creating a platform for your mobile customers, it’s time to act now.  Research suggests that in 2014, the number of mobile users will overtake the number of desktop users worldwide.   Rather than simply regard a mobile website as a necessary add-on to your standard online presence, it should as a central focus in reaching an ever-widening market of users.  That means putting yourself in the shoes of your customers and crafting a mobile platform which will be as seamless and enjoyable for them as possible.    Webplanners employ user-orientated approach to allow you...
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Ways to increase traffic from Google without building links

While building links is one of the most effective ways of increasing traffic to your website, there are also other ways to enhance your site’s popularity in Google searches.   Our SEO company Melbourne combines off-page methods such as link building with some of the following on-page improvements to raise your site’s SEO ranking.  As you can see, some of these methods are simple enough to apply without advanced technical skills.  Google rewards new content by measuring your site’s freshness.   Maximising your website’s potential Factors such as high-quality content, site speed and user-friendl...
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How to get better results by building better content

Creating effective content to improve your company's search results depends on conducting thorough research and devising a well tailored, cost-effective strategy. This calls into play an old but well worn tactic: studying your competitors, avoiding their pit-falls and doing what they've done well, even better.   At Webplanners , we combine specialist expertise with access to sophisticated online technology to provide the best SEO services in Melbourne. We extensively research the marketing techniques and technologies being utilised by your competitors and measure how successful ...
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Importance of Robots.txt file

When search engine robots look at a website, the first file they will look at is your robots.txt file. Robots.txt file is small but very crucial for the Search engine to crawl any website. Creating wrong Robots.txt file can badly affect appearance of your web pages search result. Therefore, it’s important that we understand the purpose of robot.txt file and should learn how to check you are using it correctly.   A robox.txt file gives instructions to web robots about the pages which website owner doesn’t want to be crawled. For example, if you do not wish your images to be lis...
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Google My Business

Google, this week June 11 2014, released Google My Business, a program which has its motto in collecting more business holders under a common sunshade of Google with a one-stop shop for managing their business listings in search, using existing Google+ and more.   Google my business is an approach towards making one’s business management more effortless and profitable by the help of Google itself. Customers are the necessities of an acknowledged business.  The “Google my businesses” has brought tips to make your ventures closer to the customers.   It takes into...
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Getting Reviews the Right Way for Local Businesses

  "Reviews are only valuable when they are honest and unbiased … Don't offer money or product to others to write reviews for your business or write negative reviews about a competitor. We also discourage specialized review stations or kiosks set up at your place of business for the sole purpose of soliciting reviews." These are the review sites you've probably heard of, but may have lolly-gagged to get on. If you want to give your business a quick online reputation audit, checking out how your business fares on these sites (and setting up profiles if you haven't already) is a great...
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What's the Appropriate Time for Backlink Cleanup?

If you are a keen and attentive visitor to the ever changing SEO world, you must have gone over the changes in past year and a half. So now that you know that link removal is all it takes to identify and get rid of those harmful backlinks, you can certainly refer a number of online tutorials explaining how to go about identifying and getting rid of harmful backlinks. If you have the tools, time, patience, and the most important - ability to follow step-by-step articles, then backlink cleanup has to be done; even if it's arduous. However, online tutorials usually do not guide you on when to cle...
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