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Be Aware of Cyber Threats That May Occur to Your Business

Business owners in Australia are warned about cyber-attack dangers amid changes to Australian internet domains. The Australian Government had announced a new policy for domain name, which was to be implemented on  24th March 2022. The new policy protects consumers and businesses from malicious websites by preventing them from accessing legitimate sites. Businesses are being warned to prepare for a significant change to Australian web domain names next month. The new rule was introduced to allow anyone with an Australian connection to register the shorter .au domain for their website rat...
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When your WordPress website is hacked, here's what needs to be done?

The WordPress platform takes security very seriously. Even so, no system is 100% user-proof, and the platform is rife with vulnerabilities. Companies that provide WordPress support services are often flummoxed when their clients claim that their websites have been hacked. Unfortunately, WordPress is a popular target for hackers. This is because it is used by millions of people across the globe. WordPress powers more than 28% of all websites on the Internet. It uses the MySQL database to handle page content, so you must keep it updated. There's nothing more damaging to a site's reputation than ...
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Zero-Day Vulnerability in WordPress Plugin Triggered an Internet-wide Hacking Spree

According to Defiant, the company behind the Wordfence web firewall, millions of WordPress sites have been probed and attacked this week as hackers targeted a zero-day vulnerability in the WordPress File Manager plugin installed in over 700,000 WordPress websites. The File Manager plugin is used to allow website users to upload image files, but a flaw in the plugin's file type checking could allow a user to upload a file with an embedded web shell. Through this, they can seize control of the website and plug it into a botnet. It is estimated that 37.4% or 261,800 websites are still running vul...
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A Brief Introduction: Web Design for Local Businesses

Many local businesses nowadays try to get online in order to have their presence felt.  They want to offer information on their location and if possible sell products through e- commerce. However, most of them do not consider the strategies on customer retention on the various platforms of the social media. They do not also conceptualize their...
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6 Keys to Identifying a Good Web Developer

If you intend to have a website designed for you, it is necessary to do a market survey and select a good web developer who will give you value for your money and also help you to achieve your desired objective.  When choosing a web developer, it is important to focus on his soft skills as well as the technical expertise. It is possible to cer...
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Choosing the Right E-commerce Platform for Your Business

Choosing the right ecommerce platform is an important, yet rather difficult task for new business owners, and o ne of the biggest questions you'll have is which platform to choose and why?  It's important to note that there's so many ecommerce platforms out there, but there's no 'one size fits all' solution. Each platform has its own sets of s...
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Magento- the most best e-commerce platform for your online store site

These days, Startup e-commerce retailers are under pressure to keep up and compete with the big bosses like Flipkart, Amazon, etc.  A lot of new companies are using Magento expansions for their eCommerce Startup online stores because of its best benefits.  Besides an extensive pallet of excellent, exceptional specialities, Magento, a leading open-source e-commerce platform, is best recognised for endeavouring store owners with ultimate flexibility to manage their visual appeal, content and functioning of their online stores. With the large cluster of advantages, Magento is the most s...
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How to set up your own website

It has become relatively easy to design a website. When setting up your own web design, you should begin by putting the design on a paper. Draw a rough draft highlighting the spaces where you intend the text and images to be. You should use free-hand and sketching placement. You can then make use of a program such as Photoshop to design the color-schemes. Decide on the way you intend the text to appear. Make a good choice for the colors, font sizes, fonts, italics, bold face and others.   You will then be required to decide on hosting. This is where you will have the website, and its pages put...
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