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Afraid of investing efforts in your marketing? Trust SEO.

If you haven't been working on an SEO plan over time, you may not be reaping the benefits right now.

SEO can bring long term results.

We know it because we do it for all our clients. If your business also is hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, we would like to share a few things which can help your business' long-term SEO strategy.

Search Engine Optimization might do wonders for you.

SEO Introspect

SEO is a must for any online entity that involves buying/selling and lead generation.

"The COVID-19 Crisis" is an opportunity for introspection.

It is the time to strengthen yourself, your business, and your SEO to thrive in this crisis. Visualize and workout on all possibilities for what you can do.

Analyze your past website leads and look into your Analytics to see which pages are attracting more visitors and what is the source of your website traffic.

Review your traffic analysis to build up your top traffic sources and engage audiences where they originate. For example, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.

Google Analytics and Google My Business reports can help you see what keywords are working better, what landing pages need to be improved, and in which channel, which channels drive the most conversions?

Optimize your website's inner pages to capture more of your audience and drive them through the established processes. 

Action Plan

Ok, so you have your data. So, what are you going to do with this data? How can you utilize Analytics & Google My Business reports? Are you ready with the action plan?

You can use this information to set up an optimization plan.

A plan that can help you keep going and making sure you get even better results when things get back to normal.

Revamp your keywords. Find out keywords that you need to work on priority.

Pages or blogs that have relatively less content edit them and increase the word count, but make sure any content you add also adds value. If it doesn't, don't do it at all.
Increase keyword density, but don't stuff your blog. Only use additional keywords where it makes sense.

Create new content.

Create a knowledge base based on long-term keywords.

Create content based on targeted keywords.

Don't forget to hyperlink these keywords to other relevant blog posts you've written, and incorporate them into headings and sub headers (use those H2s!) for an increased SEO boost.

One strategy that we would like to GIVEAWAY

Content cluster.

Content cluster is a new concept that strengthens your SEO.

There is a pillar page that serves as a hub of your cluster. Then there are cluster pages that are linked internally to and from a cluster's pillar page. And, the internal linking serves as the glue that holds everything together.

And when these blogs connect to a page on your website that could turn into a keyword monster.


Organic traffic is volatile right now. Many businesses are either seeing a steep increase or a steep decline in their organic traffic reports.

Yet, in either case, having a sound SEO strategy helps.

In your SEO introspection, you'll find things that work for you and things that don't.

Adapt and improve your SEO strategy for better and more consistent results when things get back to normal.

The above action plan will help you amplify your SEO efforts amid a crisis like COVID-19. 

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Friday, 07 February 2025